Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Measuring length

 T14 read about how Flat Stanley was squashed by his enormous bulletin board. He had to go to the Doctor and the nurses took his measurements.
 We took our measurements like Flat Stanley.

Even with a broken arm!

 Before we measured our bodies we decided on some rules we need to think about when we are measuring so we can be accurate.
Use the same thing to measure with. If you are using rods make sure you are using the same size rod.

Make the rods straight and make sure they are joined together

Start measuring right at the top and go all the way to the bottom.

We had to use smaller blocks to measure the last wee bit. We tried to work out the fraction for this.
We learned how to write a half
The next day we used string to see if around head was longer than the length of our foot.

 If our wrist was smaller than our ankle.
We measured our bodies in lots of different ways.

Curriculum Area:
  • Mathematics and statistics
Key Competencies:
  • Interactor (staying with my buddy, taking turns, listening to my buddy, looking at my buddy when they speak, saying nice words, sharing the work)

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